Notice and meetings with all CEO's, CFO's, COO's and organization Directors
Begin legislative process
Budget decisions
Meetings with all department heads/practice
Communication and orientation
Outreach to neighborhood groups and grassroots
Review all travel laws
Creation and distribution of educational materials and responsibilities
Handouts and information leaflets at meetings
Establish website
Press Conference
TV/Radio PSA's UTube Twitter, etc
Orientations at all colleges and for new employees
In School talks/ Assemblies
Notices home from schools, with register receipts at stores, car inspections
'Escort' services
Reminders/message and logo in all City mailings
City signs and warning dates
Warning notices from ancillary staff
Reminders of laws and warning dates in all city and business mailings
Continue PSA's etc
Serious and consistent enforcement
Continue leaflets and information distribution
TROMP logo on all official, business and educational material with reference to website
Circulation of surveys and tallies (3/6/12 mos/2yrs/5ys)
Violation and accident tallies